Fire Stones of God

Who can walk among the fire stones, where the spirit of God is ablaze in Holy Presence? Who can stand in the presence of the Almighty, his eyes like flames of fire?

The fire stones of God are a mystery that captivated me from a young age. I read a work of fiction that took a lot of inspiration from Judaic-Christian roots and held a lot of truth in the story. One element that fascinated me was something called a stone of truth, which bears resemblance to the fire stones of God. Humans were allowed to stand on the stone but if while on the stone, one told a lie, the stone would crack as a sign the person was not pure. Only the pure in heart, in whom was no lie, could stand on the stone and pass the test of the stone of truth.

To understand what the fire stones are, we need to look at what the scripture says about them. The fire stones are spoken of in Ezekiel 28:14 and some translations phrase them as "stones that flashed with fire". It was amidst these stones that the cherubim walked in the presence of God, and it was from the midst of these stones that Lucifer was cast down out of heaven. Ezekiel 28:16 tells us that violence was found in Lucifer's trade and so he was dispelled from the presence of the fire stones.

We know Jesus said he saw Satan fall like lightning. When lightning strikes from heaven to earth, it can set things alight but it also strikes with precision and is very hot, it can reach 30,000 celcius, or 54032 farenheit. The surface of the sun is only 5,505 celcius, or 9941 farenheit. Lightning is hot!

From this we can infer that perhaps the firestones were so hot, when anything contrary to God is found among them, they set that thing alight. It is the holiness of God himself that sets these stones alight and tests the spirits for spiritual purity according to his character and nature. When Lucifer walked among them as usual, but violence was revealed within his trade (spiritual influence, teaching, guidance and leadership - Ephesians 6:12), he was set alight and God dispelled him out from the stones.

The spirit of God also walks among these stones, and they are set to test spiritual purity of the angels, to test their alignment with the spirit of God. Nothing impure or wicked can remain in the heavenly realm of the Kingdom of God.

As we look into biblical stories of how people dealt with practices of people that aligned with dark powers, such as occult, idolatry, witchcraft and sorcery, we see the people burned the objects that were used for such means (Exodus 32:30, Deuteronomy 7:25, Deuteronomy 12:3, 1 Chronicles 14:12, 2 Kings 19:18, Acts 19:19).

The physical act of burning in such ways is extreme but it reflects the spiritual reality of the fire stones. When such spiritual evil is subdued by God's people (where his spirit dwells), the result is that the purity of his spirit will cause the demonic to be cast out. Burning the objects used to connect people with demonic powers is a physical act that represents the deeper spiritual reality of the purifying fire stones.

How then, can we stand before the Lord?

Personal Testimony

I was meditating on my sofa, exhausted from the heat of Summer 2018 when suddenly I sensed a holy presence draw near. I tuned my heart into it to test the spirit and I discovered it was one of God's angels who had been visiting me of late.

I asked the angel why he had come and he responded, "Lee, we have missed you. Come up here with me."

I immediately looked up and in my room, I saw a door opened up and light shone from beyond it. I looked back at the angel and reached for his hand. I suddenly found myself transversing through stars (a portal) of mixed colours, purple, red, green, blue and white, until I came to a place that I had known before.

I saw great pillars of fire that burned all around and in the fire were large stones, each of different colours. I became afraid because I knew these were the fire stones of God, and I was reminded of my sin. I cried out for God to have mercy on me for I feared I would not be able to stand in such holiness.

I heard a voice speak from behind me, "Stand, for you are pure Lee, because of the word I have spoken to you."

I recognised it as Jesus Christ and I turned around to see him, standing in a white dazzling garment, his face shining so bright and his countenance so warm. My senses turned to the sound of the burning flames that danced before my eyes. The flames were all sorts of colours: orange, red, yellow, purple, blue, green and gold.

Jesus Christ has made us pure by his word, spoken to us daily by his spirit (2 Corinthians 4:16, Lamentations 3:22-23). As he is now, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17), so we have confidence in judgement because we have been made pure enough to walk among the fire stones, without being cast down!

Lightning Stones of Healing

Personal Testimony

During a recent healing conference, I witnessed in the spirit, a large angel come down from heaven with a large stone. As he revealed the stone, I saw it was alight with lightning so that it looked like glass with fire the colour of lightning inside. The lightning flashed within and I recognised it as one of the heavenly stones.

I asked Father God what he was doing at the spot the stone had been placed, and he said he was going to burn up sickness and ailments of those called forward during the day, so they would receive healing.

At later points in the conference, several people were called forward and stood in the place the stone had been placed in the spirit. Those people encountered God and received relief from physical, emotional and spiritual ailments.

We have been given such a privilege in Christ, that we can walk among the stones of fire in the spirit, and the stones can even be utilised in our day to day experience with God. When they are brought down and placed here in the spirit realm, anything of the lower realm (demonic) that comes in to contact with the stone's vicinity, must be expelled.